Hello! My Beloved Queen I'm so excited that you decided to venture over for a little story time.
Grab your favorite wine, and let's have some girl talk...
The question that everyone loves to ask is "Where did Beloved Queen Beauty come from?"
My reply is always the same "It was conceived through pain, and birthed in FREEDOM!"
What does that even mean Right?
Well, Beloved Queen it means that when I was going through one of the darkest times in my life "Divorce" their I stood completely lost, broken, and swimming in a pool of self-hatred!
They say "When you're at your lowest point there is no where to go but up."
Queen!! That's exactly what happened at my lowest darkest point I felt an innate presence, power, and love of God overtake the depths of my heart. There FREEDOM was granted, and Beloved Queen Beauty was birthed!!
Beloved Queen Beauty is a pure representation of God's kindness & love that He has for ALL WOMEN, and it reflects a confidence of that knowing through self love, fortitude, respect, inner beauty, and extreme DOPENESS!
Our mission is to bring an awakening to women from all different walks of life so that they can be inspired, and turn within to discover their greatest potential!
Stay Tuned Beloved Queen we are just getting started!!
"Therefore, I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness,and speak kindly to her." Hosea 2:14
Get exclusive offers and we'll text you ways you can heal your mind, body, and spirit. The Queen Way.